Friday, December 2, 2011

One Eighteen Books 1, 2, 3 Rumor Control and NAQ

So some of this is up in the air, but I'm going to officially nail down what I can. The things that were holding me back have been squared thanks to science, luck and family and friends, and the end of the tunnel is here. There's some stuff I can talk about, and some I can't, but here's what I can say for certain.

For sure
  • Friday, December 9th, Book One of One Eighteen:Migration will go on sale in book and e-book formats, edited and formatted by Lyle Perez.
    • It will cover episodes S1-1 to S2-1
    • It will contain a forward by Mikey Taylor, past president of the Omaha Zombie Research Society.
    • It will contain the first third of the Mars City is Burning teaser comic.
  • Friday, December 18th Book Two of One Eighteen: Migration will go on sale in book and e-book formats, edited and formatted by Lyle Perez.
    • It will cover episodes S2-2 to S2-9
    • It will contain the second third of the Mars City is Burning teaser comic.
  • Monday, January 2nd, Book Three of One Eighteen Migration will go on salein book and e-book formats, edited and formatted by Lyle Perez.
    • It will cover episodes S3-1 to S3-9
    • It will contain the final third of the Mars City is Burning teaser comic.
In the works
  • Seasons One and Two playing on ZTalk Radio
  • Files listed on the 19 Nocturne Blvd. Site
  • Update of the 118 website. The domain is lost, but not a huge thing. Everything will get linked nicely for easy browsing.
Very likely
  • A podcast of Season Three with the original cast. I'm certainly up for it, and I suspect they are too. If so, production will start on that after Book Three is released and start some time after February.
  • Working with Aaron Sailors on the covers. Guessing we'll go with the zombie and watch, but we'll see. Len Peralta's Season One and Season Two covers may be in there, but I've got some Ben Hummel (and others) fan art so I may do something else with them.
  • Season Three wraps up everything, but it's not really the end of the story. There is a Season 4 and 5 that we've talked about but never comitted to (and may never do.) But the outline for Season 4 is very good so if I can actually get enough books sold to do this long term, I hope we'll do it. Chris crafted something very special.
So that's what I know so far. Diving back into editing. Questions can go in comments but people may spoil in there so if you don't want to look, just shoot me an email. Not sure how spoilers work on the book release of an existing podcast, I did it bass ackward, lol.


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