Friday, September 30, 2011

Another Update

To Fans of 118, etc.

I'm getting another podcast feed together, and depending on how much capacity I can get I'll be releasing S1/S2 on it pretty quickly. If you absolutely want them right now, hit my contacts and get in touch with me and we'll figure something out.

I'll probably be closing the 118 blog and moving

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

An Open Letter to Google, Facebook, and Pretty Much Every Other Company About My Personal Data

Dear... uh... almost every company anywhere,

I am writing to let you know that you're in breach of our agreement, and I wanted to both explain why I'm upset, and show some ways you've perhaps been been... well let's not use harsh words. But let's say disingenuous, and perhaps shady. I'm talking about your packaging and selling my public life. Let me clear up why I'm upset.

The phrase "Public Life" or "In Public" refers to the fact that others can and might see it. It does not indicate "public domain." Just because you can

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Random Stuff while Working Towards MCiB Deadline

Listeners, Readers, etc.

Getting ready for a roll out of Mars City is Burning on December 15th, and actually ahead of schedule. Working on a lot of infrastructure/social networking/submissions so things will be fluxy for the next month or so.

If you're a long time P&A reader, you might be upset to see that a lot of stuff is down from here and Y! Associated Content, and that's not done simply to

Monday, September 19, 2011


You may notice there's a lot of stuff changing here, I'm sort of overhauling everything. Shouldn't take too long, and when it's finished I'll be adding some new stuff on Smashwords, and updates about the novel.

-Will Ross